Friday, February 23, 2007

Your Turn

What was your best or worst date in the last few years?

Now it's your turn. Hit the comment link below and tell us about your best date or your worst date in the last few years. You can even answer this question if you are in a partnership. (Partners date, right?) Help us feel better (or worse) about our dating lives.

Give us the dirt.


Unknown said...

My worst date ever, occured recently in the last 2 weeks. I was to have a gay date with a guy 70 klm's away and was running late, so exceeded the speed limit a fraction. No harm done. The date was a disaster. He was on drugs, drunk and fell asleep during the build up stage, so I left and drove home without satisfaction. 2 weeks later I got a speeding fine from a speed camera for $250.00. Yep that was the worst date I had ever had.

Anonymous said...

My last date passed out on me three times, and I mean passing out as in standing up and then suddenly on the floor (or falling on top of me in one instance).

Anonymous said...

Met a nice guy in a chatroom. We realized right off we would not see each other again. We ended up shopping for the urn to put his mother's ashes in.

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